Mentions of Len Bracken
in works referenced by

Learning in the Age of Digital Reason
by Samiksha Hada

El TPP y el futuro de los acuerdos comerciales
by Inu Barbee and Simon Lester

Προβληματισμοί με αφορμή την απόφαση του Τμήματος Ευρείας Σύνθεσης του ΕΔΔΑ επί της υπόθεσης Paradiso Campanelli κατά Ιταλίας
by Καλλιόπη Κηπουριδου

Кримінальна відповідальність за захоплення заручників за законодавством України та держав Балтії: порівняльно-правове дослідження
by Андрій Васильович Андрушко

Uniendo diferencias: una propuesta didáctica a través de anuncios publicitarios y videoclips musicales
by Nayra Llonch Molina

Experience and representation of the subject
by Gabriel Ferreira Zacarias

Cyclopean Vision vs Poly-sensual Engagement
by Douglas Kellner

Visual codes of secrecy : photography of death and projective identification
by Julia St George

La sociedad de la mentira
by H. Allan

NAFTA Update and Trade News Highlights from August 2011 through December 2011
by Miranda Barton

Leyendo lo ilegible
by Craig Dworkin

Spectacular developments : Guy Debord’s parapolitical turn
by Jeffrey Kinkle

Delayed Fight: The World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Mechanism, Negotiation, and the Transatlantic Conflict over Commercial Aircraft
by Ron Kendler

Selected Update on Trade Agreements in the Americas and Trade News Highlights from May 2010 through July 2010
by Chad Bond

The Automotive Rules of Origin Controversy That Stalled Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations
by Elise LeGros

Against Dead Time
by Conrad Russell

The insubordination of words: Poetry, insurgency and the situationists
by John Moore

Activist Desire, Cultural Criticism, and the Situationist International
by David Banash

TPP, American National Security, and Chinese SOEs
by Raj Bhala

Trans-Pacific Partnership or Trampling Poor Partners? A Tentative Critical Review
by Raj Bhala

Poverty, Islamist Extremism, and the Debacle of Doha Round Counter-Terrorism: Part One of a Trilogy—Agricultural Tariffs and Subsidies
by Raj Bhala

Poverty, Islamist Extremism, and the Debacle of Doha Round Counter-Terrorism: Part Two of a Trilogy—Non-Agricultural Market Access and Services Trade
by Raj Bhala

Poverty, Islamist Extremism, and the Debacle of Doha Round Counter-Terrorism: Part Three of a Trilogy—Trade Remedies and Facilitation
by Raj Bhala

Lessons About NAFTA Renegotiations from Shakespeare’s Othello: From the Three Amigos to America as Iago?
by Raj Bhala

“Spectacle” (critical theory encycloapedia entry—draft version)
by Tom Bunyard

A Genealogy and Critique of Guy Debord’s Theory of Spectacle (PhD thesis, 2011)
by Tom Bunyard

Debord, Time and History
by Tom Bunyard

History is the Spectre haunting Modern Society: Temporality and Praxis in Guy Debord’s Hegelian Marxism
by Tom Bunyard

Imagination Sterilized: The Workings of the Global Spectacle
by Ruth Y. Y. Hung

The T(i)PP(ing) Point for Pharma: Why having TRIPS+ patenting standards in the TPP is bad news for Developing Countries
by Akhil Raina

Crime and the Corporation: Making the Punishment Fit the Corporation
by John C. Coffee

Education and the New Disciplinarity
by Kevin Vinson

Situationist attempt of a revival of the project of the avant-garde—its roots, goals and difficulties
by Jan Štern

The Simpsons y el estudio de las raíces inmigrantes en el aula: una experiencia como docentes y discentes de la formación de graduados en educación primaria
by Mireia Gómez

Conspiracy Theories in American History Advisory Board
by Anbr Cama

The Politicization of Legal Expertise in the TTIP Negotiation
by Fernanda G. Nicola

Between the Cracks: From Squatting to Tactical Media Art in the Netherlands, 1979–1993
by Amanda S. Wasielewski

Improving Remedies in the WTO Dispute Settlement System
by Kil Won Lee

Re-Reading The Situationists: Theory, Practice and the text, The Society of the Spectacle in Critical Perspective
by Mark Richardson

The Transatlantic Oarsmen Cooperative: Doubling Down on a Transatlantic Financial Regulatory Regime
by Joselyn Muhleisen

Looking to Fill an International Regulatory Gap: Brazil Brings the Issue of Exchange Rates and Trade before the World Trade Organization
by Antonia F. Pereira and Silas W. Allard

Don’t Fence Me In: Reforming Trade and Investment Law to Better Facilitate Cross-Border Data Transfer
by Andrew D. Mitchell and Jarrod Hepburn

Strange directions for future research (cultural studies as creative writing)
by Paul Magee

Nourishing the political body: Banquets in early Third Republic France, 1878–1914
by Stefan Dmytro Kosovych

Intersecting cultures: European influences in the fine arts: Melbourne 1940–1960
by Sheridan Palmer

The Old World is behind you: the Situationists and beyond in contemporary anarchist currents
by Karen Elizabeth Goaman

The Coordinated City’s Mutation Machine: Capitalism, Sympathy, and Urbanization in Seattle’s South Lake Union Neighborhood
by Gregory Keith Harris

Foreign Rivals Are Coming to Town: Responding to the Threat of Foreign Multinational Entry
by Cathy Ge Bao and Maggie Xiaoyang Chen

Ungovernable subjects: a radical genealogy of moral insanity
by Heidi Rimke

Visual codes of secrecy : photography of death and projective identification
by Julia St George

“Something Sweetly Personal and Sweetly Social”: Modernism, Metadrama, and the Avant Garde in the Plays of the Provincetown Players
by Louis Andrew Eisenhauer

Turning a Blind Eye: Why Washington Keeps Giving in to Wall Street
by Arthur E. Wilmarth

Unconditioning Postmodernity: Radical Acts of Resistance in Contemporary Texts
by Timothy L. Walters

Ragged Figures: The Lumpenproletariat in Nelson Algren and Ralph Ellison.
by Nathaniel F. Mills

O que é ser homem? Uma análise sobre a construção social das masculinidades
by Diarly Igor Panta Marques and Marcus Cézar de Borba Belmino

“Você tem o direito de permanecer calado (a)”: “Você tem o direito de permanecer calado (a)”: a (in)visibilidade de gênero nos planos municipais de educação no semiárido alagoano
by Amanda Monteiro Melo, Micheline Marques Alves and Fernanda Braga Peixoto

O crime de importunação sexual e a popularização das teorias feministas
by Júlia Salles Correia

Formas de participação feminina na construção das políticas públicas de saúde da mulher no Brasil e no mundo

Sexualidade na pré-adolescência
by Nolasco Marcela

Cuando el embarazo ocurre en la adolescencia—una visión desde los adolescentes varones
by Ana Laura Cafaro Mango

A violência contra a mulher como problema público: uma abordagem para construir um problema, a geração de um marco jurídico de ação e intervenção com homens violentos no México
by Felipe S. Dantas Silva

As representações femininas da antiguidade à idade média e sua exclusão do contrato social: as desigualdades de gênero como objeto das modernas teorias de justiça
by Katarina Karol Brazil de Melo Rocha

Violência doméstica e a interface com a relação de gênero e a geração
by Sandra Natalie Silva and João Diógenes Ferreira dos Santos

Martírio, Castidade e Feminicídio No Ceará: O Caso De Benigna Cardoso
by Jessica Nuvens

O lugar do transgênero no Octógono: Game Face
by Aline Aparecida de Souza Ribeiro, Natália Rodrigues Dos Reis and Priscila Ferraz Soares

Escritos autobiágricos sobre a trajetória de vida de um professor Afrodescendente
by Cláudio T. Silva

With and Against Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle: A Case Study of Live Earth, its Politics, its Contradictions, and its Political Potential
by Jasmine North

Die dialektische Lebenskunst von Guy Debord, Verworfener Kulturschatz
by Mark Reichmann

The Metacapitalism Spectacle
by George Mickhail

National security and the misology-misanthropy paradox of technology
by George M. Mickhail

The Proposed U.S. Panama Free Trade Agreement
by J. F. Hornbeck

The U.S.-Panama Free Trade Agreement
by J. F. Hornbeck

Thresholds : Gesture, idea and action in the Performance Art of Andrew Drummond, Di ffrench and David Mealing
by Jennifer Hay

Work Under Democracy: Labor, Gender and Arendtian Citizenship
by Alison Kathryn Staudinger

The other shore: on politics and ‘spirit’ in Fredy Perlman’s Against His-story, Against Leviathan
by Mark Huba

The Radical Subject: An Intellectual Biography of Raoul Vaneigem (1934–Present)
by Alastair Hemmens

China’s Rise: How It Took on the U.S. at the WTO
by Gregory Shaffer and Henry S. Gao

Alternatives for Regulatory Governance Under TTIP: Building from the Past
by Gregory Shaffer

Re:Imagining Change: How to Use Story-based Strategy to Win Campaigns, Build Movements, and Change the World
by Patrick Reinsborough and Doyle Canning

The Myths of Data Exclusivity
by Erika Lietzan

Skromen prispevek o politični teoriji in praksi situacionistične internacionale
by Andrej Pavlišič

Reforming Trade Remedies
Reforming Trade Remedies

Subversion of the revolutionary impulse: the influence of recuperation on the situationist international, 1957–1972.
by Doyle L. Perdue

U.S.-Vietnam Economic and Trade Relations: Issues for the 111th Congress
by Michael F. Martin

U.S.-Mexico Economic Relations: Trends, Issues, and Implications
by M. A. Villarreal

O Leviatã Espetacular: obsolescência do tempo histórico mercante em Guy Debord e Robert Kurz-Roswitha Scholz
by Sergio Ricardo Alves De Oliveira

Hacia una superación del espectáculo : la vida como potencia política en el pensamiento de Guy Debord y la Internacional Situacionista (1957–1972)
by Daniel Matallana Mendez

The Generalized System of Preferences After Four Decades: Conditionality and the Shrinking Margin of Preference
by Kevin Kennedy

Explaining China’s Tripartite Strategy Towards the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement
by Ming Du

The making of ‘glocal’ urban modernities
by Erik Swyngedouw and Maria Kaika

La production de modernités urbaines « glocales » : explorant les failles dans le miroir
by Erik Swyngedouw and Maria Kaika

The Biopolitics of Transactional Capitalism
by Majia Holmer Nadesan

Class Wargames
by R. Barbrook

Paris, Panels, and Protectionism: Matching U.S. Rhetoric with Reality to Save the Planet
by Abbey Stemler, Scott Shackelford and Eric Richards

Arab Countries’ (Under) Participation In The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism
by Bashar H. Malkawi

Breaking NAFTA’s Habits: The Pacific Rim Dispute and the Ongoing Challenge of Fostering Environmental Protection in the Age of Free Trade
by Daniel L. Monahan

A post-Montesquieu analysis of the WTO
by Steve Charnovitz

Fast Spectacle: Reflections on Hurricane Katrina and the Contradictions of Spectacle
by Kevin Gotham

Investor-State Dispute Settlement in US Law, Politics and Practice:
by David A. Gantz

Increasing the Host State’s Regulatory Flexibility Under FTA Investment Chapters: US Approaches Under NAFTA, the AUSFTA and the TPP
by David A. Gantz

World Trade Law after Doha: Multilateral, Regional and National Approaches
by David A. Gantz

Portrait of Guy Debord as a Young Libertine
by Odile Passot and Paul Lafarge

Oublier l’avant-garde?
by Jean-François Fourny

Response Official Reports Books
by John Judge

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